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Projection-specific dopamine neurons in the ventral tegmental
AAV-hM4D and AAV-hM3D were used for chemogenetics manipulation. AAV- taCasp3 was used for ablation of DA neurons. (From BrainVTA)
The viruses used in this article from BrainVTA are in the table below
Neuron Ablation  PT-0206 rAAV-flex-taCasp3-TEVp-WPRE-pA
CRE Recombinase  PT-0179 rAAV-TH-NLS-Cre
Chemogenetics  PT-0043 rAAV-DIO-hM4D-mCherry
 PT-0042 rAAV-DIO-hM3D-mCherry
Control  PT-0013 rAAV-DIO-mCherry
Guo-Lin Sun, Zhi-Jing Song, Xiao-Han Peng, Pan-Pan Chen, Ying Song, Xia Qin, Rong Hua, Yong-Mei Zhang
Pub Date: 2021-03-21, DOI: 10.1177/0269881120985183, Email: [email protected]
Background: Long-term morphine use is associated with serious side effects, such as morphine-induced hyperalgesia and analgesic tolerance. Previous investigations have documented the association between dopamine (DA) neurons in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and pain. However, whether VTA DA neurons are implicated in morphine-induced hyperalgesia and analgesic tolerance remains elusive.
Methods:  Initially, we observed behavioural effects of lidocaine administration into VTA or ablation of VTA DA neurons on morphine-induced hyperalgesia and anti-nociceptive tolerance. Subsequently, c-Fos expression in nucleus accumbens (NAc) shell-projecting and medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC)-projecting VTA DA neurons after chronic morphine treatment was respectively investigated. Afterwards, the effects of chemogenetic manipulation of NAc shell-projecting or mPFC-projecting DA neurons on morphine-induced hyperalgesia and anti-nociceptive tolerance were observed. Additionally, effects of chemogenetic manipulation of VTA GABA neurons on c-Fos expression in VTA DA neurons were investigated.
Results: Lidocaine injection into VTA relieved established hyperalgesia and anti-nociceptive tolerance whereas ablation of VTA DA neurons prevented the development of morphine-induced hyperalgesia and anti-nociceptive tolerance. Chronic morphine treatment increased c-Fos expression in NAc shell-projecting DA neurons, rather than in mPFC-projecting DA neurons. Chemogenetic manipulation of NAc shell-projecting DA neurons had influence on morphine-induced hyperalgesia and tolerance. However, chemogenetic manipulation of mPFC-projecting DA neurons had no significant effects on morphine-induced hyperalgesia and anti-nociceptive tolerance. Chemogenetic manipulation of VTA GABA neurons affected the c-Fos expression in VTA DA neurons.
Conclusions: These findings revealed the involvement of NAc shell-projecting VTA DA neurons in morphine-induced hyperalgesia and anti-nociceptive tolerance, and may shed new light on the clinical management of morphine-induced hyperalgesia and analgesic tolerance.
Perspective: This study demonstrated that NAc shell-projecting DA neurons rather than mPFC-projecting DA neurons in the VTA were implicated in morphine-induced hyperalgesia and anti-nociceptive tolerance. Our findings may pave the way for the discovery of novel therapies for morphine-induced hyperalgesia and analgesic tolerance.

Figure 1. Effects of chemogenetic manipulation of NAc shell-projecting DA neurons on morphine-induced hyperalgesia and anti-nociceptive tolerance.
Collectively, these findings confirmed the involvement of VTA DA neurons in nociceptive sensation. The authors postulated that VTA DA neurons might play a pivotal role in morphine-induced hyperalgesia and anti-nociceptive tolerance in a projection-specific manner.
BrainVTA offers viral vector construction & virus packaging services for AAV, LV, RABV, PRV, HSV and VSV that help researchers explore questions about genes, neurons, circuitry structure, function of brain network, mechanism and treatment of diseases.
If you have any needs, just email us at [email protected].


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