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Neuronal Tracing Tool


Construction and Packaging Service of virus Vector

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Cell-Type-Specific Afferent Innervation of the Nucleus Accum
A retrograde transsynaptic tracing system based on a modified RV was used to demonstrate the whole-brain monosynaptic inputs for each cell type. (From BrainVTA)
The viruses used in this article from BrainVTA are in the table below
Tracing Helper  AAV9-EF1a-FLEX-EGFP-2a-TVA
RV  R01002 RV-EnvA-△G-dsRed
Pub Date: 2018-10-16, DOI: 10.3389/fnana.2018.00084Email: [email protected]
Zhao Li, Zhilong Chen, Guoqing Fan, Anan Li, Jing Yuan and Tonghui Xu
The nucleus accumbens (NAc) is clearly implicated in reward processing and drug addiction, as well as in numerous neurological and psychiatric disorders; nevertheless, the circuit mechanisms underlying the diverse functions of the NAc remain poorly understood. Here, we characterized the whole-brain and monosynaptic inputs to two main projection cell types – D1 dopamine receptor expressing medium spiny neurons (D1R-MSNs) and D2 dopamine receptor expressing medium spiny neurons (D2R-MSNs) – within the NAc core and NAc shell by rabies-mediated trans-synaptic tracing. We discovered that D1R-MSNs and D2R-MSNs in both NAc subregions receive similar inputs from diverse sources. Inputs to the NAc core are broadly scattered, whereas inputs to the NAc shell are relatively concentrated. Furthermore, we identified numerous brain areas providing important contrasting inputs to different NAc subregions. The anterior cortex preferentially innervates the NAc core for both D1R-MSNs and D2R-MSNs, whereas the lateral hypothalamic area (LH) preferentially targets D1R-MSNs in the NAc shell. Characterizing the cell-type-specific connectivity of different NAc subregions lays a foundation for studying how diverse functions of the NAc are mediated by specific pathways.
Figure. 1 Control experiments for rabies-mediated transsynaptic tracing.
In the present study, the authors utilized such a virus-based labeling technique to identify monosynaptic inputs to D1R- and D2R-MSNs within different NAc subregions. They then compared the input distribution patterns among four groups defined by cell type and location. Although the input distributions of different cell types were highly similar, different NAc subregions had significantly different biased inputs from numerous brain areas. These findings provide an anatomical foundation for future.
BrainVTA offers viral vector construction & virus packaging services for AAV, LV, RABV, PRV, HSV and VSV that help researchers explore questions about genes, neurons, circuitry structure, function of brain network, mechanism and treatment of diseases.
If you have any needs, just email us at [email protected].

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